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Emergency Department Improvement
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you’d like to give your feedback on or start with one category and come back to answer more.
Collaboration & Partnerships (2 Questions)
Cultural Safety & Diversity (4 Questions)
Imagining 2025 (4 Questions)
Improving Health (1 Question)
Learners & Research (2 Questions)
Obstacles & Barriers (1 Question)
Organizational Culture (2 Questions)
Patient Experience (1 Question)
Priorities (1 Question)
Quality Care (2 Questions)
Social Accountability (2 Questions)
Strengths (3 Questions)
Supporting Our People (3 Questions)
Technology & Innovation (1 Questions)
Our Values (2 Questions)
Collaboration & Partnerships (2 Questions)
What internal collaboration opportunities should BCHS pursue to advance patient care by 2025?
What external collaboration opportunities should BCHS pursue with community and industry partners to advance patient care by 2025?
Cultural Safety & Diversity (4 Questions)
What can we do to support diversity and inclusion at BCHS?
How can we model a better way to support and respect all people?
How could BCHS improve the experiences of Indigenous people, whether they are patients, families, staff, physicians, volunteers or learners?
What could we be doing at BCHS to ensure inclusion, fairness and respect for people identifying as LGBTQ2S (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Two-spirited)?
Imagining 2025 (4 Question)
Imagine it is 2025. BCHS has had a very successful past few years. What does success look like for BCHS?
What one big change does BCHS need to make within the next five years (by 2025) to improve its effectiveness? Can you suggest any others?
Describe BCHS as it is today, in five words or less.
Describe BCHS as you would like to see it in 2025, in five words or less.
Improving Health (1 Question)
What do you think we can do in the next five years to address the unique health needs of our community?
Learners & Research (2 Questions)
How could BCHS provide better experiences for our learners?
Research is an important part of creating a learning culture. What is BCHS’s role in research? Do we have areas of research focus we should consider?
Obstacles & Barriers (1 Questions)
What are the top three biggest issues/challenges/risks that we face? If you were CEO, what would you act upon first?
Organizational Culture (2 Questions)
How would you describe the organizational culture at BCHS?
How does BCHS’s culture need to change to ensure we foster a workplace culture that supports healthy, respectful and productive relationships between and among employees, medical staff, patients, learners, and volunteers?
Patient Experience (1 Question)
How could BCHS improve the experiences of patients and families?
Priorities (1 Question)
What do you think our top priorities or goals in the next five years should be?
Quality Care (2 Questions)
What changes can we make to create a system that will be more responsive to patients and families, ensuring their goals and preferences are respected?
What changes can we make to ensure patients and families receive care that is: (a) Safe and does not cause them harm? (b) Effective, ensuring they receive the right treatment for the desired outcome? (c) Timely, efficient and accessible? (d) Fair, equitable, and not based on where they live, their age, gender, language, cultural identity, religious beliefs, colour, mental or physical disabilities, socioeconomic status or personal connections?
Social Accountability (2 Questions)
Hospitals in 2025 will continue to serve as safety nets in our health care system. We expect to see a disproportionate number of socially and economically disadvantaged patients and families. These families often have difficulty achieving optimum health, navigating care in the community, and accessing services.
(1) What things should BCHS do to better serve those people who are poor or struggle with other social issues? (2) How can BCHS develop and support its staff, physicians, learners and volunteers to better support people who have increasingly acute and complex needs?
Hospitals in 2025 will continue to serve as safety nets in our health care system. We expect to see a disproportionate number of socially and economically disadvantaged patients and families. These families often have difficulty achieving optimum health, navigating care in the community, and accessing services. (1) What things should BCHS do to better serve those people who are poor or struggle with other social issues? (2) How can BCHS develop and support its staff, physicians, learners and volunteers to better support people who have increasingly acute and complex needs?te and complex needs?
Achieving health equity in our community will require that we have health professionals, and health leaders who promote health equity, embrace social accountability and show compassion to society’s most vulnerable.
(1) How can we prepare our staff, physicians and volunteers to better serve patients with complex health and social barriers? (2) What are the three things that you think our staff, physicians and learners will require as essential skills, attitudes and knowledge to support the needs of patients and families who have increasingly complex health and socio-economic barriers?
Achieving health equity in our community will require that we have health professionals, and health leaders who promote health equity, embrace social accountability and show compassion to society’s most vulnerable. (1) How can we prepare our staff, physicians and volunteers to better serve patients with complex health and social barriers? (2) What are the three things that you think our staff, physicians and learners will require as essential skills, attitudes and knowledge to support the needs of patients and families who have increasingly complex health and socio-economic barriers?
Strengths (3 Questions)
What makes you feel proud about the services delivered at BCHS?
What do you think are BCHS’s five greatest strengths?
How could we build upon our strengths to advance patient care?
Supporting Our People (3 Questions)
Can you give us any ideas for a more supportive and supported workplace?
It is 2025 and the culture at BCHS is energized and positive. What has changed or been maintained in the workplace to support a productive, impactful and energized workforce?
What should we focus on in recruiting, supporting and retaining top talent?
Technology & Innovation (1 Questions)
What technology and innovation priorities should we should pursue in the next five years to better serve our patients?
Our Values (2 Questions)
“Compassion. Accountability. Respect. Equity.” These are the BCHS values. Do these values reflect your experience at BCHS?
What values would you like to see promoted in the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan?
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